As a young city with a contemporary architectural heritage that has been something special since its very inception, we wish to attract new investors, investors who, through their programmes and projects, will co-shape the image of our city of the future.
Velenje has many competitive advantages and provides numerous opportunities in various fields. We believe these are recognised and assessed by potential investors as well. If your business interest is oriented towards development, sustainability, responsibility and for the benefit of all stakeholders, you, investors, including your development programmes and projects, are invited to co-shape the image of our city and to raise the quality of life of our citizens.
The Municipality of Velenje, which is open to various development ideas and business opportunities, is at a significant turning point, when attracting new development and technologically advanced projects and companies is crucial for the stable economic growth of the region. We are aware that the Šalek Valley, as a post-coal region, has become extremely interesting for many investors. An important competitive advantage of the valley is also the possibility of obtaining additional grant funds from the Just Transition Fund which will be available exclusively for coal regions before the planned coal phaseout.
Velenje, known as a city with energy, invites business investors, both domestic and foreign, to make a first contact for further talks. In pursuing its goal of creating new jobs with high added value, the Municipality of Velenje will provide the necessary assistance and support. We invite those interested to contact the municipality by e-mail address at: info@velenje.si.

Territories and locations
To provide investors, regardless of their business purposes, with more efficient and transparent information, we published a publication Commercial and Residential Development Areas within the Municipality of Velenje).
The brochure comprises information on all recorded commercial and residential development areas, including aerial photos, the exact location of areas, graphic representation of ownership structures, facilities and infrastructure. In addition, each area has been assigned a QR code with a link redirecting to the text of the spatial planning document applicable to the relevant area.
Not all areas are owned by the Municipality of Velenje and not all of them are developed or governed by a spatial planning document. Nevertheless, you may see a piece of land as a possibility for developing your idea or project.

Real estate sale
The Municipality of Velenje develops areas for various activities, often with the support of the EU funds. By clicking the link Introduction Publication – Invitation to Investors you will be redirected to the brochure comprising the information on available commercial and residential areas in our municipality. If you are interested, write to us at: info@velenje.si.
Current calls for proposals for the sale of real estate are published at: For Citizens/Publications and Calls for Tenders.

Development opportunities
Velenje is an economic centre with more than 15,000 jobs and has always been known as a city of opportunities, as it has a lot to offer. Soon there will be even more opportunities, as an expressway will run through Velenje, which will shorten many routes.
We can boast of having highly educated professional staff with years of experience. For many years, we have been working to ensure that the education system is linked well with the economy and our business incubator, thus educating young individuals for professions the region needs. Through various projects, activities and many free services the local community provides good living conditions for all our citizens.
Now there is a big challenge ahead of us – restructuring from a coal mining region to a green region, to what is known as a high-tech developed region with environmentally friendly projects and new jobs with high added value. Owing to the coal phaseout, we can obtain more grant funds from various European and national funds in the coming years. Development projects pertaining to all living and business activities will allow us – the local community and companies – to draw additional capital, which will constitute an opportunity to develop many new activities. In order to realise the set goals, cooperation and integration will be necessary, which is something we know well in Velenje. In the future, too, we wish to attract those economic sectors that are more intensive in terms of income, and that employ staff with higher education, as the creation of 2,000 new jobs is envisaged within the commercial area.
By carefully planning the investments in the development of lakeside tourism (Velenje Beach), infrastructure capacities for major events and festivals (Vista – park with a view), cycling routes, etc., we made an important breakthrough in the field of tourism and thus laid a good foundation for private equity business ideas.
We are aware that there is not much space left in Velenje for developing residential neighbourhoods and large commercial areas. Therefore, we wish to make the best use of the space that is still available by acting carefully and wisely. We are particularly concerned about how the state handles the land owned by the Velenje Coal Mine. It is important that we use the space for the development and opportunities brought about in the framework of the restructuring process.